Trivia of Time & Timepieces

What is the origin of Time Memorial Day?

It is a memorial day in Japan based on the historical event that in 671 Emperor Tenji used a water clock called a rokoku ...

Greenwich Standard Time

The International Meridian Conference was held in Washington, D.C. in the United States in 1884, and 25 countries attended ...

Japan Standard Time

The International Meridian Conference held in 1884 set the meridian that passes through the Greenwich astronomical ...

What is the leap second?

A leap year occurs every four years when one day is added to the final day of February ...

The time system of Japan

The oldest record of "time"is the mention of a water clock in the Nihon-Shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan). ...

The Beginning of Mechanical Clocks

Because sundials need sunshine to measure time, clocks using water and sand, as well as clocks to measure time ...